Biological soluble fibre products
From:北京佳合恒泰材料科技有限公司 官方网站  Date:2018-04-16

io-soluble Ceramic Fibers:

  Product Performance: Soluble ceramic fiber is an alkaline earth silicate fiber composed mainly of SiO2, MgO, and CaO. It is called soluble fiber because it has a certain degree of solubility in human body fluids, which reduces the damage to human health. Because it contains MgO, CaO and other components, which  expand the fiber forming viscosity range, improve the fiber forming condition, which also increases the fiber forming rate and the softness of the fiber.
The type of soluble fiber varieties contains scattered fibers, textiles, acupuncture blankets, wet vacuum forming products and so on.


Heat insulation for various kilns, high temperature pipes and containers; Materials as kiln door, valves, flanges, fire doors and fire shutter; High-temperature furnace door sensitive curtains; Engine and instrument insulation, fire protection cable coating Materials, high-temperature fire-resistant materials; Heat-insulating covering fabrics, high-temperature expansion joint fillers, flue lining; High-temperature labor protection products, fire protection clothing, high-temperature filtration, sound absorption and other applications for replacing asbestos

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